Episode 6 – Saisons

It’s the season for Saisons! Join us as we taste 6 fantastic beers on this weeks episode of The Beerists Podcast. With special guest, John Harvey.

Saison DuPont
Goose Island Sofie
Three Floyds Rabbid Rabbit
Ommegang Hennepin
Boulevard Tank 7
Fantome Hiver


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Download a PDF of our show notes for this episode here.


1 Ommegang Hennepin
2 Fantome Hiver
3 Boulevard Tank 7
4 Saison DuPont
5 Three Floyds Rabbid Rabbit
6 Goose Island Sofie

1 Fantome Hiver
2 Boulevard Tank 7
3 Ommegang Hennepin
4 Saison DuPont
5 Goose Island Sofie
6 Three Floyds Rabbid Rabbit

1 Saison DuPont
2 Goose Island Sofie
3 Boulevard Tank 7
4 Ommegang Hennepin
5 Three Floyds Rabbid Rabbit
6 Fantome Hiver

1 TIE Goose Island Sofie and Boulevard Tank 7
2 Three Floyds Rabbid Rabbit
3 Fantome Hiver
4 Ommegang Hennepin
5 Saison DuPont

Theme music provided by Defalated Ballon.

Some of the music provided tonight from Mevio’s Music Alley. Check it out at music.mevio.com