Mike was in Virginia, and brought back some beers from Pen Druid, along with some from New Glarus that his mom picked up in Wisconsin! We also talk about Grant’s new podcast, accidental insults, and maybe dole out some Best Of The Beerists Awards.
- Pen Druid It’s The Life
- Pen Druid III
- Pen Druid Darkness Is Coming
- New Glarus Kid Koksch
- New Glarus Staghorn Oktoberfest
The Beerists are: John Rubio Grant Davis, Laura Christie, and Mike Lambert.
Music for this episode:
Theme Music by Adrian Quesada
Break Music: I Don’t Wanna Go by Cody Francis
End Credits Music: Can’t Help Myself (Instrumental Version) by Daxten, Wai
Additional music licensed through Epidemic Sound
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