Episode 10 – Cellar Diving

This week, we pillage my beer cellar, drink and discuss a few old beers, and get shitfaced in the process.

2007 North Coast Old Stock
2010 Goose Island Lolita
2006 Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel
2005 JW Lees Harvest Ale
2011 Boulevard Saison-Brett
2010 Terrapin Wake and Bake


1. Boulevard Saison-Brett 2011
2. Goose Island Lolita 2010
3. Terrapin Wake n Bake 2010
4. North Coast Old Stock Ale 2007
5. Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel 2006 (B3)
6. JW Lees Harvest Ale 2005

1. Goose Island Lolita 2010
2. Terrapin Wake n Bake 2010
3. Boulevard Saison-Brett 2011
4. Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel 2006 (B3)
5. North Coast Old Stock Ale 2007
6. JW Lees Harvest Ale 2005

1. Terrapin Wake n Bake 2010
2. Goose Island Lolita 2010
3. Boulevard Saison-Brett 2011
4. North Coast Old Stock Ale 2007
5. Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel 2006 (B3)
6. JW Lees Harvest Ale 2005

1. Boulevard Saison-Brett 2011
2. Goose Island Lolita 2010
3.  Terrapin Wake n Bake 2010
4. North Coast Old Stock Ale 2007
5. Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel 2006 (B3)
6. JW Lees Harvest Ale 2005

*Top 3 beers were Lolita, Saison-Brett, & Wake n Bake. Worst beer: Harvest Ale
** Grant & Anastacia had the same rankings


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Download a PDF of our show notes for this episode here.(I’ll need to update these notes, as we switched out a beer at the last second- ContriversiALE for Saison-Brett.)

The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, and Grant Davis. With guest TJ Swanson.


Theme music provided by Defalated Ballon.

Music for this episode was provided Possessed By Paul James. Get his music on iTunes, and visit his website at ppjrecords.com