When we talked about New England IPAs a few weeks ago, our knowledge was pretty hazy. Luckily, a bunch of listeners corrected us, and one went so far as to send us a box full of ’em for the show. Yes yes yes yes.
Treehouse Green
Trillium & Other Half Hundred Thousand Trillion
Trillium Congress Street
Singlecut Is This The Real Life
Lawson’s Finest Liquids Super Sessions #2
ALSO! For Patreon Patrons!
The Beerists EXTRA – 3 More New England IPAs
Listener Jon Marino sent us so many New England IPAs, that Rubio and Brett had enough to do another 40 minute episode! Beers reviewed:
New England Brewing Co Sea Hag 10 Year Anniversary IPA
Tree House Brewing Alter Ego
Lawson’s Finest Liquids Sip of Sunshine IPA
The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, Grant Davis and Mike Lambert.
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