
Take a heartwarming stroll with Anastacia, Rubio, Habeab, and Sahara- as they’ve decided to spend their Xmas Eve tasting beer, making horrible puns, hating babies, and not being with family.

Southern Tier Sonnet
Founders Dirty Bastard
Hitachino Nest Commemorative Ale
Stone Smoked Porter w/Chocolate and Orange Peel
Brewdog Cocoa Psycho


1. Founders Dirty Bastard
2. Southern Tier Sonnet
3. Brew Dog Cocoa Psycho
4. Hitachino Nest Commemorative Ale
5. Stone Smoked Porter w/Chocolate & Orange Peel

1. Founders Dirty Bastard
2. Southern Tier Sonnet
3. Brew Dog Cocoa Psycho
4. Hitachino Nest Commemorative Ale
5. Stone Smoked Porter w/Chocolate & Orange Peel

1. Founders Dirty Bastard
2. Southern Tier Sonnet
3. Brew Dog Cocoa Psycho
4. Hitachino Nest Commemorative Ale
5. Stone Smoked Porter w/Chocolate & Orange Peel

1. Founders Dirty Bastard
2. Southern Tier Sonnet
3. Brew Dog Cocoa Psycho
4. Hitachino Nest Commemorative Ale
5. Stone Smoked Porter w/Chocolate & Orange Peel


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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, Habeab Kurdi, and Sahara Smith.

or email us at info@thebeerists.com