Update 5.29.2017:
This went off handsomely! Thanks so much to everyone who attended! We had an awesome time!
Original post:
We’ll be celebrating our 5th Anniversary on Memorial Day Weekend, and want our listeners to join us in Austin for it.
Update 5.12.2017:
Finalized brewery crawl locations, and other details to the itinerary.
Update 3.31.2017:
We’ve created a Facebook group for guests to organize shared transportation, lodging, meet ups, and anything else related to that weekend you want to discuss. It’s a closed group, so you can request access here:
Update 3.30.2017:
We’ve set up an Eventbrite page. You need to RSVP to attend the party at Jester King:
Friday May 26, 2017
7 PM – Welcoming reception at Austin Beerworks!
3001 Industrial Terrace, Austin, TX 78758
Saturday May 27, 2017
5PM – 10PM – Five Year Anniversary Party & Bottle Share at Jester King Brewery!
13187 Fitzhugh Rd, Austin, TX 78736
You didn’t think we’d ask you to come to Austin and miss visiting the beautiful Jester King brewery! They’ve given us a great space to throw our party on their land, tucked away from the crowds for our party and bottle share.
Speaking of bottle share– We encourage you to bring between a few bottles from favorite breweries in your area to share with the rest of us. Bring beer you’re excited about, and try beer others have brought! And be sure to bring your own glass, just in case.
Plus, several local breweries have also committed to providing some of their beer, free for the party! Expect beer from Hops & Grain, Blue Owl, Austin Beerworks and more!
We may or may not be doing a live show, but we’re still talking about the logistics of that.
The rest of Saturday is open. Take that time and explore Austin! Need tips? We have a great guide on our FAQ page.
Sunday May 28, 2017
All Day- Austin brewery crawl
We’ll be visiting (in this order):
Pinthouse Pizza South
St Elmo Brewing Co
Live Oak Brewing
Blue Owl Brewing
Hops & Grain
Lazarus Brewing
Map of locations:
Note: Outside of the party at Jester King on Saturday, the places we’ll be visiting are spread out across the city, so transportation will need to be considered. Uber and Lift aren’t in Austin anymore, but there are other rideshare services such as Fasten, Fare, and RideAustin. Or, you can get together with other listeners and rent a car.
I’ll be updating this itinerary with more specifics as things come together. And of course, everything is 21 and up.