Raspberry, Cherry, Coffee, Chocolate- they’re all in here. 5 beers, brimming with fruit and beans await your face holes. All the kids in the pool.
Odell Brazzle
Founders Blushing Monk
Brooklyn K is for Kriek
Victory Deep Cocoa
Boulevard Imperial Stout X Coffee Ale
1. Brooklyn K is for Kriek
2. Victory Deep Cocoa
3. Founders Blushing Monk
4. Odell Brazzle
5. Boulevard Imperial Stout X – Coffee
1. Victory Deep Cocoa
2. Brooklyn K is for Kriek
3. Odell Brazzle
4. Founders Blushing Monk
5. Boulevard Imperial Stout X – Coffee Ale
Grant & Anastacia
1. Brooklyn K is for Kriek
2. Odell Brazzle
3. Victory Deep Cocoa
4. Founders Blushing Monk
5. Boulevard Imperial Sout X – Coffee Ale
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, Grant Davis and Mike Lambert.
or email us at info@thebeerists.com