26 Dec, 2013

The Beerists 91 – Cypress Grove Chevre

By |2019-03-25T01:56:50-05:00December 26th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments


Cypress Grove Chèvre found out we’d mentioned their delicious cheeses about a thousand times on the show. To show their appreciation, they sent us 12 lbs of cheese and $100 to come up with a pairing episode. Oh, what a beautiful day.

Bermuda Triangle (Jester King Atrial Rubicite)
Humboldt Fog (Orval)
Truffle Tremor (Avery Odio Equum)
Midnight Moon (Duchesse de Borgogne & Founder’s Breakfast Stout)
Lamb Chopper (The Alchemist Heady Topper)
Sgt. Pepper (Brooklyn Sorachi Ace)

No rankings this time.


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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anasacia Kelly, Grant Davis, and Mike Lambert.

or email us at info@thebeerists.com


6 Dec, 2013

The Beerists 88 – Five Hits and a Miss

By |2019-03-25T01:56:50-05:00December 6th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments


Our buddy Beau Paul of loungegeeks.com and oneofus.net joins us for what turn out to be 3 great beers, 2 good ones, and a stinker.

Paradox The Nihilist (from Joshua Blake)
COOP F5 IPA (from Evan Gundy)
New Belgium Le Terroir
Mikkeller Spontankriek
Odell Fernet Aged Porter
Two Brothers Bare Tree (From Joe Money)


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