Our buddy Beau Paul of loungegeeks.com and oneofus.net joins us for what turn out to be 3 great beers, 2 good ones, and a stinker.
Paradox The Nihilist (from Joshua Blake)
COOP F5 IPA (from Evan Gundy)
New Belgium Le Terroir
Mikkeller Spontankriek
Odell Fernet Aged Porter
Two Brothers Bare Tree (From Joe Money)
1. Fernet Aged Porter
2. Le Terrior
3. Bare Tree
4. F5 IPA
5. Loathing Frown – The Nihilist
6. Spontankriek
1. Fernet Aged Porter
2. Le Terrior
3. Bare Tree
4. Loathing Frown – The Nihilist
5. F5 IPA
6. Spontankriek
1. Fernet Aged Porter
2. Le Terrior
3. Loathing Frown – The Nihilist
4. Bare Tree
6. F5 IPA
6. Spontankriek
1. Fernet Aged Porter
2. Le Terrior
3. Bare Tree
4. Loathing Frown – The Nihilist
5. F5 IPA
6. Spontankriek
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anasacia Kelly, Mike Lambert, and Beau Paul.
or email us at info@thebeerists.com