Episode 17 – Listener Beer Show
Join us as we taste six incredible beers from two incredible listeners! Big thanks to Chris Quinn and Thomas Callaghan for supplying the beers for this episode.
Half Acre Daisy Cutter
Pipeworks Glaucus
Pipeworks Ninja vs Unicorn
Hair of the Dog Fred
Hair of the Dog Adam
Hair of the Dog/Deschutes Collage
1. Conflux No. 1 (Collage)
2. Glaucus
3. Adam
4. Fred
5. Ninja vs. Unicorn
6. Daisy Cutter
1. Conflux No. 1 (Collage)
2. Adam
3. Glaucus
4. Ninja vs. Unicorn
5. Daisy Cutter
6. Fred
1. Conflux No. 1 (Collage)
2. Fred
3. Ninja vs. Unicorn
4. Daisy Cutter
5. Adam
6. Glaucus
1. Glaucus
2. Fred
3. Ninja vs. Unicorn
4. Daisy Cutter
5. Conflux No. 1 (Collage)
6. Adam
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, and Grant Davis. With guest Ryan Mesh filling in for Grant.
Theme music provided by Defalated Ballon.