Warning: This one gets pretty raunchy and mean.
We’ve fallen behind on some of the beers we’d like to talk about on the show. There are 6 of them on this episode, and we’re joined by the lovely Caroline Wallace of bitchbeer.org. Also, balls happen.
Marshall Arrowhead
Wynkoop Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout
Tallgrass Ethos IPA
Almanac Farmer’s Reserve #3
Steel Toe Size 7 IPA
Knee Deep Simtra IPA
1. Simtra
2. Farmer’s Reserve #3
3. Ethos IPA
4. Size 7 IPA
5. Arrowhead
6. Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout
1. Simtra
2. Farmer’s Reserve #3
3. Size 7 IPA
4. Ethos IPA
5. Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout
6. Arrowhead
1. Farmer’s Reserve #3
2. Simtra
3. Ethos IPA
4. Size 7 IPA
5. Arrowhead
Caroline didn’t drink the Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout, as she’s vegetarian.
1. Ethos IPA
2. Farmer’s Reserve #3
3. Simtra
4. Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout
5. Size 7 IPA
6. Arrowhead
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Grant Davis, Mike Lambert, and Caroline Wallace.