Our lives are starting to return to normal, and thanks to listener Matt Frappier, we’re tasting 4 beers from Worcester, Mass- and nobody knows how to pronounce a dang thing. Mike’s dumb, Grant’s dumb, and dumb dumb Rubio gets drunkcester’d.
- Wormtown Be Hoppy
- Flying Dreams Nightcrawler IDA
- Greater Good Pulp
- Redemption Rock Valley Winter Ale
Theme Music by Adrian Quesada
Break Music: Colours by Torii Wolf
End Credits Music: Turn the Dancefloor Into a Moshpit by Def Lev
Additional music licensed through Epidemic Sound
The Beerists are John Rubio, Grant Davis, and Mike Lambert.
Check out Anastacia’s new Insta, bananasbooksandbeers!
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