We didn’t know what to do with this oddball mix of 5 beers, so we lumped them into one show. Plus, I have no memory of the ending. Shit got weird.
Spencer Trappist Ale
Modern Times Blazing World
Kern River Citra
Bird Song Puppies on Penguins
Brooklyn Wild Streak
1. Brooklyn Wild Streak
2. Kern River Citra
3. Modern Times Blazing World
4. Birdsong Puppies on Penguins
5. Spencer Trappist Ale
1. Brooklyn Wild Streak
2. Kern River Citra
3. Modern Times Blazing World
4. Spencer Trappist Ale
5. Birdsong Puppies on Penguins
1. Modern Times Blazing World
2. Kern River Citra
3. Brooklyn Wild Steak (LOL)
4. Spencer Trappist Ale
5. Birdsong Puppies on Penguins
1. Brooklyn Wild Streak
2. Modem Times Blazing World
3. Kern River Citra
4. Birdsong Puppies on Penguins
5. Spencer Trappist Ale
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, Grant Davis, and Mike Lambert.
or email us at info@thebeerists.com