Certified Cicerone Tre Miner is filling in for Mike, as we plumb the depths of Anastacia’s cellar. Well, we really just help her by opening a bunch of stuff she forgot were there. It doesn’t go very well. And I know I say Episode 122 in the intro… I was wrong. And really tired.
Dogfish Head Burton Baton (2011, 2012)
Sierra Nevada Hoptimum (2012)
Great Divide Oak Aged Yeti (2011)
Boulevard Dark Truth (best by 4-13)
Weyerbacher Fifteen (2010)
Lucky Bucket Certified Evil (2012)
Great Divide Old Ruffian (2010)
St Arnold Pumpkinator (2011)
Freetail Old Bat Rastard (2012)
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, Grant Davis, and Tre Miner.
or email us at info@thebeerists.com