Aging beer is a crapshot. In this episode, Anastacia presents 5 beers from her collection that we assumed would have benefited from a few years of aging. But did they all live up to our expectations, or were we wrong?
2011 Goose Island Lolita
2011 New Holland Dragon’s Milk
2011 Goose Island King Henry
Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break
Deschutes/Hair of the Dog Conflux Collage #1
1. Goose Island King Henry
2. Deschutes/Hair of the Dog Collage No. 1
3. Goose Island Lolita
4. Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break
5. New Holland Dragon’s Milk
1. Goose Island King Henry
2. Deschutes/Hair of the Dog Collage No. 1
3. Goose Island Lolita
4. Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break
5. New Holland Dragon’s Milk
1. Goose Island King Henry
2. Goose Island Lolita
3. New Holland Dragon’s Milk
4. Deschutes/Hair of the Dog Collage No. 1
5. Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break
1. Goose Island King Henry
2. Goose Island Lolita
3. New Holland Dragon’s Milk
4. Deschutes/Hair of the Dog Collage No. 1
5. Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Grant Davis, Anastacia Kelly, and Mike Lambert.
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