Shan, a listener from the Pacific Northwest, sent us some beers to sample- which spurred conversations about beer mules, style guidelines and vegan strip clubs.
Rogue Beard Beer
Iron Horse Quilter’s Irish Death
Scuttlebutt Tripel 7
Granville Island Lions Winter Ale
American Breakaway IPA
1. Granville Island Lions Winter Ale
2. Iron Horse Quilters Irish Death
3. American Brewing Co Breakaway IPA
4. Rogue Beard Beer
5. Scuttlebutt Tripel 7
1. Iron Horse Quilters Irish Death
2. Granville Island Lions Winter Ale
3. American Brewing Co Breakaway IPA
4. Rogue Beard Beer
5. Scuttlebutt Tripel 7
1. Iron Horse Quilters Irish Death
2. Granville Island Lions Winter Ale
3. Scuttlebutt Tripel 7
4. Rogue Beard Beer
5. American Brewing Co Breakaway IPA
1. American Brewinf Co Breakaway IPA
2. Scuttlebutt Tripel 7
3. Iron Horse Quilters Irish Death
4. Granville Island Lions Winter
5. Rogue Beard Beer
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, Grant Davis and Mike Lambert.
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