Stone has been busy releasing tons of new beers lately, so we decided to tackle 5 of them. We laugh, cry the best cry, and Rubio spits bloody nuclear wrath at spiced beers.
Pale Ale 2.0
Delicious IPA
Ruination 2.0
Bourbon Barrel Arrogant Bastard
Chai-Spiced IRS
Correction: In this episode, we make references to a “Stone IPA 2.0.” We’re 100% wrong about the existence of this beer. Not sure how I got it in my mind that there was a 2.0 version of the IPA, but there isn’t. Thanks to listener Sean Ryan for correcting me. -Rubio
1. Ruination 2.0
2. Delicious IPA
3. Pale Ale 2.0
4. Bourbon Barrel Arrogant Bastard
5. Chai-spiced Imperial Russian Stout
1. Ruination 2.0
2. Delicious IPA
3. Pale Ale 2.0
4. Bourbon Barrel Arrogant Bastard
5. Chai-spiced Imperial Russian Stout
1. Ruination 2.0
2. Delicious IPA
3. Pale Ale 2.0
4. Chai-spiced Imperial Russian Stout
5. Bourbon Barrel Arrogant Bastard
1. Delicious IPA
2. Ruination 2.0
3. Pale Ale 2.0
4. Chai-spiced Imperial Russian Stout
5. Bourbon Barrel Arrogant Bastard
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, Grant Davis, and Mike Lambert.
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