The sky opened up and emptied its wrath all over central Texas, but we’ve persevered and there’s beer to drink.
Huyghe Deliria
Ballast Point Piper Down
Alesmith Kona Coffee Speedway Stout
Nebraska Blanc is the New White
Bear Republic Mach 10
1. Bear Republic Mach 10
2. Delirium Tremens Deliria
3. Ballast Point Piper Down
4. Nebraska Brewing Blanc is the New White
5. AleSmith Kona Coffee Speedway Stout
1. Ballast Point Piper Down
2. Delirium Tremens Deliria
3. Nebraska Brewing Blanc is the New White
4. AleSmith Kona Coffee Speedway Stout
5. Bear Republic Mach 10
1. Delirium Tremens Deliria
2. Nebraska Brewing Blanc is the New White
3. Ballast Point Piper Down
4. Bear Republic Mach 10
5. AleSmith Kona Coffee Speedway Stout
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, and Grant Davis.
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