12 beers, 3 from each beer Santa, served up blind in Christmas wrapping. Sounds nuts? Pfft. That’s how we holiday.
Click the “Read More” button to learn which beers we had- or you can not spoil it and find out along with us on the recording.
The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, Grant Davis, and Mike Lambert.
Mike 1
ABW English IPA
Rubio 1
Lone Pint Braggot
Grant 1
Gollums Precious Pils
Anastacia 1
Evil Twin Justin Blabaer 2013
Mike 2
HaandBryggeriet Haandbakk
Rubio 2
Samuel Smith Yorkshire Stingo
Grant 2
Bolg Belgian Style Tripel
Anastacia 2
Goose Island Halia 2013
Mike 3
Brooklyn Lager
Rubio 3
Maidens Adventure
Grant 3
Samug Stout
Anastacia 3
Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break 2012/2013/2014??? Dunno??!
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