We’re recording on Halloween and thought it appropriate to drink beers as dark as the night. Remember to vote for us at podcastawards.com!
Ommegang Game of Thrones Take The Black Stout
Copper Kettle Mexican Chocolate Stout
Alaskan Smoked Porter
Stone Suede
Epic Big Bad Baptist
1. Big Bad Baptist
2. Mexican Chocolate Stout
3. Suede
4. Alaskan Smoked Porter
5. Take the Black Stout
1. Big Bad Baptist
2. Suede
3. Alaskan Smoked Porter
4. Mexican Chocolate Stout
5. Take the Black Stout
1. Big Bad Baptist
2. Mexican Chocolate Stout
3. Suede
4. Alaskan Smoked Porter
5. Take the Black Stout
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anasacia Kelly, and Mike Lambert.
or email us at info@thebeerists.com