Sometimes, bad things happen to good beer. And sometimes, they happen to us. Over and over again. Ryan fills in for Anastacia, who dodged this bullet of catastrophe.
Cisco Pedaler Bike Path Blueberry Bleer
Clown Shoes Genghis Pecan
Night Shift Viva Habanera
The Bruery Tout Mais Le Coller
The Bruery The Wanderer
Allagash FV13
Terrapin 10th Anniversary
NoDa Hop Drop and Roll
1. Tout Mais Le Coller
2. Viva Habanera
3. Hop Drop and Roll
4. Genghis Pecan
5. Terrapin
6. FV13
7. Blueberry Bleer
8. The Wanderer
1. Tout Mais Le Coller
2. Hop Drop and Roll
3. Viva Habanera
4. Genghis Pecan
5. FV13
6. Terrapin
7. The Wanderer
8. Blueberry Bleer
1. Tout Mais Le Coller
2. Viva Habanera
3. Hop Drop and Roll
4. Terrapin
5. FV13
6. The Wanderer
7. Genghis Pecan
8. Blueberry Bleer
1. Hop Drop and Roll
2. Viva Habanera
3. Tout Mais Le Coller
4-8. Rankings withheld
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Grant Davis, Mike Lambert, and Ryan Mesch.
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