Grant is out this week, so we’ve decided to truck forward without him. We taste a mix of 5 beers on this episode that we can’t seem to agree on.
Odell Trellis
Mikkeller Spontenframboos
Les Trois Mousquetaires Porter Baltique Edition Special
Stone Bastard in the Rye
De Proef/Surly Long of Tooth
1. Odell Trellis
2. Les Trois Mousquetaires Porter Baltique
3. De Proef/Surly Long of Tooth
4. Stone Bastard in the Rye
5. Mikkeller Spontanframboos
1. Odell Trellis
2. De Proef/Surly Long of Tooth
3. Les Trois Mousquetaires Porter Baltique
4. Stone Bastard in the Rye
5. Mikkeller Spontanframboos
1. Odell Trellis
2. De Proef/Surly Long of Tooth
3. Stone Bastard in the Rye
4. Les Trois Mousquetaires Porter Baltique
5. Mikkeller Spontanframboos
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Grant Davis, Anastacia Kelly, and Mike Lambert.
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