When listener Charles Hall visited Austin recently, he came with a box full of Louisiana beers for us. Grant is a jerk, Mike is defective, Anastacia is angry, and Rubio loves you individually.
Great Raft Southern Drawl
Great Raft Reasonably Corrupt
Bayou Teche Bayou Peche IPA
NOLA Mecha
NOLA Lowerline
1. NOLA Lowerline
2. Great Raft Reasonably Corrupt
3. NOLA Mecha
4. Great Raft Southern Drawl
5. Bayou Teche Bayou Peche IPA
1. Great Raft Reasonably Corrupt
2. NOLA Mecha
3. Great Raft Southern Drawl
4. NOLA Lowerline
5. Bayou Teche Bayou Peche IPA
1. Great Raft Reasonably Corrupt
2. Great Raft Southern Drawl
3. NOLA Lowerline
4. NOLA Mecha
5. Bayou Teche Bayou Peche IPA
1. Great Raft Reasonably Corrupt
2. NOLA Lowerline
3. Great Raft Southern Drawl
4. NOLA Mecha
5. Bayou Teche Bayou Peche IPA
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, Grant Davis and Mike Lambert.
or email us at info@thebeerists.com