Episode 25 – When in Austin…
Austin is quickly becoming a craft beer destination, with over 15 breweries popping up in the last few years. In this episode, we taste 6 different brews from 6 different breweries that you can try when you’re in Austin. With special guest, Terry Grier from www.wheninaustin.net
Hops & Grain Pale Dog
(512) Brewing IPA
Independence Convict Hill Oatmeal Stout
Austin Beerworks Fire Eagle
Real Ale Devil’s Backbone
Jester King Das Wunderkind!
1. Das Wunderkind!
2. (512) IPA
3. Convict Hill
4. Pale Dog
5. Fire Eagle
6. Devil’s Backbone
1. (512) IPA
2. Das Wunderkind!
3. Devil’s Backbone
4. Fire Eagle
5. Pale Dog
6. Convict Hill
1. Das Wunderkind!
2. (512) IPA
3. Pale Dog
4. Convict Hill
5. Devil’s Backbone
6. Fire Eagle
1. (512) IPA
2. Das Wunderkind!
3. Devil’s Backbone
4. Fire Eagle
5. Pale Dog
6. Convict Hill
1. Das Wunderkind!
2. (512) IPA
3. Devil’s Backbone
4. Convict Hill
5. Fire Eagle
6. Pale Dog
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No show notes this week.
The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, and Grant Davis. With Mike Lambert. Special guest Terry Grier from www.wheninaustin.net
Theme music provided by Defalated Ballon.