While we were in Chicago, we had the pleasure of being guests on the ABV Chicago Podcast. Find out more about this episode on their page. You can also subscribe to them on iTunes. Hope you enjoy it! Here’s their writeup:
The Beerists swept through this city like a drunken typhoon, and they stopped by to wreak some havoc on Craig’s cellar. John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, and Mike Lambert join us to do what they’ve been doing for longer than us: review delicious beers. We talk about their Austin-based award-winning podcast, highlights of their Chicago trip, and their observations on this city’s beer culture. Also, Anastacia gives spot-on food pairings, Rubio sings, and Craig and Mike become closer than we are comfortable with. You’re welcome!
Goose Island Rare Bourbon County Brand Stout
DeGarde Imperial Blackberry Bu
Toppling Goliath Assassin (2014)
The Lost Abbey Duck Duck Gooze (2013)
Funk Factory Framrood
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, and Mike Lambert.
or email us at info@thebeerists.com