Episode 13 – Belgian IPAs

What happens when Belgium and America collide? Find out with us as we taste 6 different Belgian IPAs.

De Ranke XX Bitter
Stone Cali-Belgique
Ale Asylum Bedlam
Three Floyd’s Live a Rich Life
Houblon Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel*
Piraat Ale
Urthel Hop-ItRankings:

1. Ale Asylum Bedlam
2. 3 Floyds Live a Rich Life
3. Stone Cali-Belgique
4. Urthel Hop-It
5. Piraat Ale
6. Houblon Chouffe Dobblen IPA Tripel*
7. De Ranke XX Bitter

1. Ale Asylum Bedlam
2. Piraat Ale
3. 3 Floyds Live a Rich Life
4. Urthel Hop-It
5. De Ranke XX Bitter
6. Stone Cali-Belgique

1. Ale Asylum Bedlam
2. 3 Floyds Live a Rich Life
3. Piraat Ale
4. Urthel Hop-It
5. De Ranke XX Bitter
6. Stone Cali-Belgique

1. Ale Asylum Bedlam
2. 3 Floyds Live a Rich Life
3. De Ranke XX Bitter
4. Piraat Ale
5. Urthel Hop-It
6. Stone Cali-Belgique

*Houblon Chouffe not taken into rankings. SKUNKED.


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Download a PDF of our show notes for this episode here.(Shownotes do not include our stand-by beer. Sorry.)

The Beerists are: John Rubio, Anastacia Kelly, and Grant Davis. With Mike Lambert.


Theme music provided by Defalated Ballon.