We finally work up to doing an IPA show after deleting our first one from the internet. Ryan Mesch joins us to talk hops, IBUs, and Grant’s red wings. Strap in. Things get a little drunk again.
Lagunitas IPA
Stone IPA
Firestone Walker Union Jack
Ballast Point Sculpin
Bear Republic Racer 5
Green Flash West Coast IPAs
And be sure to check our Facebook page for details on our “Thank You” Gift Pack thing!
1. Racer 5
2. Sculpin
3. Union Jack
4. Stone IPA
5. West Coast IPA
6. Lagunitas IPA
1. Union Jack
2. Sculpin
3. Lagunitas
4. Racer 5
5. Stone IPA
6. West Coast IPA
1. Sculpin
2. Union Jack
3. Racer 5
4. Lagunitas IPA
5. West Coast IPA
6. Stone IPA
1. Sculpin
2. Union Jack
3. Lagunitas IPA
4. Racer 5
5. Stone IPA
6. West Coast IPA
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The Beerists are: John Rubio, Grant Davis, Anastacia Kelly, and Ryan Mesch.